Eco Council

The aim of the Eco Council is to look after our environment and improve it. At Cumber Claudy Primary School we achieved our Green Flag in June 2023.
This year (2024/25) we are aiming to -
- Achieve our Green Flag again, and
- Achieve the Sustrans Silver Award
Our school targets are to:
- Reduce waste and Recycle
- Have more active Travel (Transport)
- Learn about the Global Perspective of being eco friendly
The Eco-Team
P3 - Jake and Isla B
P4 - Aaran and Elsie
P5 - Moss and Farrah
P6 - Lewis and Poppy
P7 - Harvey and Hannah
Cumber Claudy Primary School, 20 Cregg Road, Claudy Londonderry BT47 4HX | Phone: 028 71 337080